Funny Music Podcast, Episode 469


number11 - Jun 14, 2019

The buffalo sentence isn't too bad. Basically, it says "As who are bullied by Bs themselves pick on Cs," but both verbs are "buffalo", so "As Bs buffalo buffalo Cs" (some would put a comma between the buffalos, but that's not technically correct). And A, B, and C are all "buffalo from Buffalo, New York," in other words, "Buffalo buffalo."

number11 - Jun 17, 2019

子子子子子子子子子子子子: "Cat's child: kitten; lion's child: cub"

Father Beast - Jun 19, 2019

Insane Ian approves of my parody! Yay!

number11 - Jun 21, 2019

Linked that because of the similarity to the buffalo sentence; it's the same character twelve times. Once again, Japanese wins for grammatical ambiguity.

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